Enki::Alice | A simple model of the Alice robot |
Enki::Alice::SensorModels | Container for sensor models for Alice |
Enki::AliceBoundingSurface | The bounding surface of an Alice |
Enki::AliceCam | Linear camera for the Alice |
Enki::AliceCommunication | Communication module for the Alice |
Enki::AliceIRHighSensorModel | Calculate the signal strength as a function of the distance |
Enki::AliceIRNormalSensorModel | Calculate the signal strength as a function of the distance |
Enki::CircularCam | 1D Circular camera |
Enki::DepthTest | Standard depth test |
Enki::FeedableSbot | An "improved" Sbot that can interact with SbotActiveObject |
Enki::GlobalInteraction | Interacts with the whole world |
Enki::InteractionRadiusCompare | A functor then compares the radius of two local interactions |
Enki::IRSensor | A generic infrared sensor |
Enki::Khepera | A simple model of the Khepera robot |
Enki::KheperaIRSensorModel | Calculate the signal strength as a function of the distance |
Enki::LocalInteraction | Interacts with another object or wall only up to a certain distance |
Enki::PhysicalObject | A situated object in the world with mass, geometry properties, physical properties, .. |
Enki::PixelOperationFunctor | Functor for pixel operation |
Enki::Robot | A robot is a PhysicalObject that has additional interactions and a controller |
Enki::Sbot | A very simplified model of the Sbot mobile robot |
Enki::SbotActiveObject | SbotActiveObject give or remove energy to nearby Sbots through an SbotFeeding interaction |
Enki::SbotCam | 1D 360 circular camera for the Sbot, based on 2 180 CircularCam |
Enki::SbotFeeding | Feeding interaction gives or remove energy to nearby Sbots |
Enki::SbotGlobalSound | Interaction sound between all Sbots |
Enki::SensorResponseFunctor | Functor for the sensor response |
Enki::World | The world is the container of all objects and robots |
Enki::ZeroSensorModel | Response function which returns zero all the time |