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An::Color Struct Reference

#include <Types.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

A color in RGBA.

Public Member Functions

 Color (double r=0.0, double g=0.0, double b=0.0, double a=1.0)
 Constructor from separated components.
const double & operator[] (size_t i) const
 access component i
double & operator[] (size_t i)
 access component i
void operator+= (double d)
 Add d to each component.
Color operator+ (double d) const
 Add d to each component and return result in a new color. I'm left unchanged.
void operator-= (double d)
 Substract d from each component.
Color operator- (double d) const
 Substract d from each component and return result in a new color. I'm left unchanged.
void operator *= (double d)
 Multiply each component with d.
Color operator * (double d) const
 Multiply each component with d and return result in a new color. I'm left unchanged.
void operator/= (double d)
 Divide each component with d.
Color operator/ (double d) const
 Divide each component with d and return result in a new color. I'm left unchanged.
void operator+= (const Color &oc)
 Add oc's components to ours.
Color operator+ (const Color &oc) const
 Add oc's components to ours and return result in a new color. I'm left unchanged.
void operator-= (const Color &oc)
 Substract oc's components to ours.
Color operator- (const Color &oc) const
 Substract oc's components to ours and return result in a new color. I'm left unchanged.
bool operator== (const Color &c) const
 Compare all components and return true if they're the same.
bool operator!= (const Color &c) const
 Compare all components and return false if they're the same.
void threshold (const Color &limit)
 Threshold the color using limit. For each component, if value is below limit, set it to 0.
double gray () const
 Return the grey level value.

Public Attributes

double components [4]
 RGBA values in range [0..1].

Static Public Attributes

static const Color black
 black (0, 0, 0)
static const Color white
 white (1, 1, 1)
static const Color red
 red (1, 0, 0)
static const Color green
 green (0, 1, 0)
static const Color blue
 blue (0, 0, 1)

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Generated on Mon Oct 24 17:30:34 2005 for liban by  doxygen 1.4.2