Simulation 2: Triangle-Square Discrimination
- An image contains either a square or a triangle. Their size and position
in a frame are random.
- Image background(frame) size: 320 by 240 (Column by Row) in pixels.
- Images have noise. 5 pixels out of 1000 turn its color. white pixels turn black and black pixels turn white.
- Square size range: From 5 by 5 (side by side) to 100 by 100, in pixels.
- Triangle size range: From 40 by 20 (base by height) to 200 by 100, in pixels.
- The number of images per inidividual: 20 (10 triangles, 10 squares)
- The number of Step: 50(The Retina Window can move 50 times maximum per image)
- Fitness function: The fitness is computed only by the number of the step
the Retina Window respond correctly, divided by the total number of steps.
Published: 01.03.01 / tk Last
update: 22.07.03/jcz (based on 11.06.01/jb)